Na chodbách Slezského gymnázia se zase mluvillo anglicky a italsky. Bylo to tím, že naši školu navštívily tři vyučující z Itálie, z městečka Alba. Z místa, kde se zrodila Nutela a jedí lanýže.
Jednalo se o job shadowing v rámci programu Erasmus+. Učitelky Annalisa, Ilenia a Raissa se staly součástí výuky a aktivit. Fandily našemu florbalovému týmu, pomáhaly postiženým dětem v Boccia při pohybových aktivitách, debatovaly se studenty apod. Je to letos již druhá návštěva z Itálie po skupinové mobilitě italských studentů z téže školy v Opavě .
Ze školy z Itálie přišlo také poděkování za organizaci žákovské mobility v únoru.
I really want to thank you for everything you did for us that week and I also want to congratulate you on the organization that was excellent and perfect!! All the activities, the trips and tours we did were really interesting and well planned, well structured and well organized! Everything was perfect!! We had a really exciting and engaging experience there in Opava! You and your colleagues were all very kind, friendly, warm and helpful with us. Our students are very happy and satisfied about this experience and they are really grateful for the kind and welcoming hospitality the families and your students gave them. Congratulations also for your high-level expertise and proficiency!! We will never forget this wonderful experience in Opava!!
I really liked your school, the Slezské Gymnàzium, and the way you work.
Marilena Parisi, Alba